Friday, February 23, 2007


got a new phone!!
nokia 5300
i love this thing. im actually not ashamed to take it out in public like my old one
highlight of my week coz the rest of it was actually pretty crummy

and omg yesterday i had two major embarrassing bridget jones' diary moments

i was walking on the top floor and this HUUGE gust of wind blew.
and i tried to catch my skirt but ended up slapping my ass coz there was nothing there
and i was grabbing round for my skirt which was up WAAAY above my knicker line
and the yr9s walking behind me were pissing themselves silly

then kim and i went to garbos
and i was in temt. and came out of the changerooms
and was paying for my stuff right when the girl at the counter gave me the weeeirdest look
i thought she was such a bitch and then i looked down and realised half my buttons on my school dress were undone and u could see ... everything

ahh story of my life


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